Monday, November 12, 2012

PBS In The Making

   So, after giving all you guys an overview of PBS I figured I'd tell you about what happened with me and my parents before I was born. Well, as everyone may know, you find out that your child has PBS while  in utero. My mother found out that something was going on with me during an ultrasound when she was 5 months along. After the ultrasound she was sent to a doctor in Cooper Hospital to get more ultrasounds. The diagnostic medical sonographer, aka an ultrasound doctor, named Dr.Weiner then recommended they see a specialist. At this moment my parents began to worry. They were informed that there might be a malfunction but they were not told the specifics. I'm sure at this point if I was a parent the days would drag on until I got an answer. Dr. Weiner then recommended to get an amniocentesis to get better results on what was going on with me. It was then when my parents were then informed that I had PBS. After that a name of a specialist was given to them so they can get started on finding out what to do.
    Have you ever been to a doctor that acts like he/she is God? Well this guy was one of them. His name? Dr. Mark R Zaontz. He might have been the most arrogant doctor ever, but he had good reason to be. He had worked with other PBS children before so he knew what to expect and the best thing to do for me. At this point my mother was about 6 months along and was just now getting the proper information. The main thing that he said was, "Its not a matter of knowing he needs a transplant, but a matter of when he will need it". This was after he informed him of all the problems that I would have to overcome. No matter what they were told my parents were optimistic that I would live a nice and happy life. This optimism would help them be able to pull through all the surgeries and hospitalizations that were to come.
  March 28th, 1989, 5 weeks earlier then expected, I was brought into this world. There was no problems with the birthing process. The only thing that happened was that I was placed inside an incubator for 10 days. I would be placed in there until I was healthy and able to go home. When i was three days old I had nephrostomy tubes placed into my back. This was to let all the toxins to exit out of my kidneys that were not being filtered through. At 5 months old I would have my bladder reduced, being as enlarged bladder is one of the deformities. Also, at 2 and a half the tubes were removed being as kidney function was getting better and all the toxins were being removed.   From then on my life would never be the same. Surgeries, test, and hospitalizations would be part of my life. Yet, no matter what my parents, and even me, would stay optimistic through it all. Next week I will be telling you about my life from 5 years and on.

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