Thursday, January 17, 2013


I remember waking up from surgery and there being a blinding light in my eyes. Once everything came into focus I realized i was in my own room and the blinds were wide open. After looking around I started seeing familiar faces: my mom, my grandfather, and my aunt and uncle. Once I collected myself I got a sharp pain in my stomach. I just experienced the pain from my surgery scar. I was then told that I was put on a morphine pump. This would allow me to pump in morphine at anytime I wanted just by pushing a button. Of course there was a limit on how much I could do per hour. I would mainly use it for sitting up and later on for walking around.
  I remember saying hi to everyone and asking how the surgery went. Obviously, it went well. After saying my hello's I started drifting back to sleep. I told everyone I was tired and I was sorry if i feel asleep. Needless to say, they all understood. That was around 3 or so when I said that. At 7, I finally woke up after being well rested. My mom was visiting my dad in his room so in the mean time I was just doing what I could to relax. I was thinking to myself how wonderful it is to have an awesome dad to donate his kidney to me. Also, how lucky I was to survived the transplant. I was lucky just to be alive, and I appreciated every moment that I was.
  After and hour or so my mom came back to see how I was. I told her I was fine and that morphine was helping me...ALOT. It was then where she started to go into the details about what happened in surgery. You see, surgery went perfectly well for my dad. No complications or anything. In and out. For me, there was a little bit more to be said. What happened was when the doctors opened me up where they were supposed to put in my kidney there was an issue. From all my other surgeries that I had before I had alot of scar tissue in that area. So, what they needed to do was cut me open a little bit more and place the kidney a little bit lower. When it was all said and done my scar is about a foot long. It took them over 40 staples to keep me shut. My dad, on the other hand, only had some liquid stitches and some strips.
  Next week, more on my recovery. I would also like to dedicate this post to my dad. Dad, without you I would not be alive for as long as I am. You're the greatest dad any one could ask for. I love you, Dad.


  1. Hi, Im popping in from the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I look forward to reading more about your journey!

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