Saturday, February 23, 2013


   So the school year started that September just like every other year. I was going to my doctor appointments every other day just for standard check ups just to watch my kidney function. Other then that the beginning of the year was rather simple. You see, for me it was going to be a little more complicated then most school years. Having the new kidney not only made me feel better but it also made me a little more stressed. After having the transplant i had to be put on anti-rejection medicines. This would make it so that my body wouldn't attack the foreign object, the new kidney, that was in me. One of the key side effects of the medicine was a lowering of my immune system. The medicine was keeping my body preoccupied from infections , pretty much. So, that made it easier for me to get sick. I was always careful of what I was doing and who I was around. If anyone was sick I would be sure to stay away from them. I also never shared my drinks, food, etc. This was pretty easy, for the most part. During flu season I was told by my doctors to be extremely care around sick people. I think it even go to the point to where I was even tempted to wear a face mask out in public. Although with a low immune system I was still able to not get sick, for long.
   Near the end of my seventh grade year I started getting a fever. At first I ignored it because I thought maybe it was just from the heat. Well, I was wrong. Day after day my fever got higher and higher. At one point my fever got to almost 102 degrees. Needless to say there was something wrong. I was then taken to the hospital in Philly and went straight to the emergency room. My mom had called ahead so they were waiting for us with a room. I was put into a gown and had my temperature taken. 101.6! I've never had a fever that high before. The nurses were very concerned about my well being. I was then told to stand up and get my weight. My mom helped me stand up at first because I was extremely weak. I walked up to the scale and waited for my weight to come up. Then, everything went black. I woke up in a hospital bed with nurses all surrounding me in a panic.
  Next week...what the heck just happened?

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